Friday, January 7, 2011

18 Months

Wow 1.5 years old! I'm in awe of everything you can do right now. Right before Christmas you started saying your first word again after many months of refusing to call Brockway anything but puppy. Then you realized you could repeat and say anything and everything. You are so talkative and you enunciate so well that everyone can all understand what you are saying.

You love sports and can tell the difference between football, hockey, baseball and more recently basketball. I'm not sure which sport is your favorite and if you're anything like your dad you will like them all.

At your 18 month check up your doctor told us that the pediatricians have decided that 1 year olds don't necessarily need to drink whole milk. Two percent milk is just fine as long as the child isn't in the lowest percentile for weight. Then she looked at your stats and said I think staying on whole milk until he's two is just fine. You are in the 12th percentile and weigh just 22 lb 11 oz. You're 31.75 inches tall which is the 35th percentile and your head is still in the 99th percentile at 20 inches in circumference.

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