Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Newsworthy February in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has been in the news a lot lately. I'm impressed that the protesters are still at the capital fighting for the tenth day in a row. And I'm even more proud that my father and mother in-law were there last week fighting for their collective bargaining rights, even though Bob is retired and Denise will be next year. But I don't really want to talk about governor Walker and his crazy plans to bust unions. No I want to remember a happier time in Cheesesconsin, one that united the state instead of tearing them a part.

Don't you remember? The Packers won the super bowl?!?!

I put a side my Vikings gear and wore Dave's extra jersey :

Adam eating a cheese burger and flirting with baby Keira. He's just like his daddy when he pulls it out of the bun and only eats the burger.
Keira is going to be a heart breaker with these blue eyes:
Adam leading us in a cheer. He likes, "Go Pack, Go!"
Brockway has the Precious Moments eyes down. I'm not sure why she didn't get any chicken wings:
Leinenkugels Limited- one little sip and I'm in love. I can't wait to be re-united in two months:
Brockway and Croix just really wanted to share our food:
Look at my ruggedly handsome happy mountain man.
I believe the quote was, "I can't believe we just won the Super bowl!"

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