Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend

Wohoo- Super Bowl Sunday! What I really mean is - Football Season is Over! On Friday dad dressed Adam in his Packer shirt because the Packers are in the super bowl. When we picked Adam up from daycare he was in a dinosaur sweatshirt and flower pants (spare daycare clothes). Emily, Adam's teacher said he purposely dumped his milk all down his shirt and pants. Emily is a big Steelers fan, so should we trust her explanation?
Yesterday we bundled up and met Andy, Brooke, Croix and Max at the park to play in the snow. Croix and Brockway wore themselves completely out racing and play fighting, while Max sat and patiently watched.

Today we're hosting a Packer Super Bowl Party. So far Dave is keeping his hyperness in check, I'm not going to hold my breath that this will last real long.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I thought the Pack wore flowered pants...