Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wipe that look of your face!

So I've been asked the same question over and over again lately in different variations. When are you do? How many weeks do you have left? And when I answer that I'm 30 weeks and I have 10 more to go most people get an "oh my goodness, you poor thing" look of pity on their face. Yes I have a big belly, but I also have an extremely short torso. My little baby boy has no where to go and grow but out.

I know that this same scenario happened over and over with Adam's pregnancy, too. With him from 30-40 weeks my baby bump looked nearly the same size. Then at the end of my pregnancy I got comments like, "you're belly isn't that big for only having a few weeks left". And maybe they were just being polite, but being told your huge with that look of pity isn't exactly going to help me get through the next ten weeks!
A big thank you to a coworker I hadn't seen for a long time that asked the dreaded question, but had the perfect response, "Oh you look great for 30 weeks. The only place your carrying that baby is in your belly." (as opposed to having pregnant looking arms, legs and face). Hearts and flowers to you!

I've given up wearing my watch and ring. They still fit, but they don't feel comfortable after a couple hours at my desk.

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