Wednesday, March 23, 2011

34.5 Weeks and a Spring Snow Storm

Yes I am counting half weeks now, because every day I am getting closer to meeting my second son. I feel like I'm my belly is bigger than it was at this point with Adam, but yet I'm more comfortable with my pregnant body.
We have a crib set up, the car seat and cute little new born cloths washed. We have more things completed than left to do on the gantt chart. So I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the idea of bringing Adam's little brother home.
Today we woke up to a spring snow storm. I opened the garage at 5 AM to about 3 or 4 inches of snow. I got in the van and started driving to the pool before I decided that I was being silly and should go back home. I barely got the van back to the house and got it stuck at the end of driveway.

An hour and a half later when Dave went to clear the driveway there was closer to 12 inches. It took him a good hour and a half to clear the driveway and he warned me that we weren't go anywhere until the plows came through our neighborhood. So we spent the morning waiting, and waiting and waiting. After lunch Dave said that's enough waiting for the plows lets try and get out.
We backed out of the driveway and got stuck- Dave was able to push us out by himself. I tried to turn off our street and we got stuck. It took three guys to get me out (one of which was our neighbor who was driving behind us in his 4 wheel drive Blazer trying to get back to work, so every time we got stuck he got out to help- thanks Scott). At this point Dave decided to walk along the van as I drove to give it a little push when I needed it, but that last turn out of our neighborhood I got stuck again. Again it took three guys to get me out. The rest of the roads were plowed, so we made it to daycare and work and then crossed our fingers that the streets would be clear when we got home. Thankfully they were!
Dave wins- I think our next vehicle will have 4 wheel drive.

1 comment:

Dave said...

A boy and his dog...