We went back to Wisconsin again a few weekends ago for the fifth time in five months. But this time it was finally for a vacation and there were no family obligations. The first day I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures and my battery died, but I didn't have the charger. So camera phone pictures all weekend it was. I was sad because I don't pull out my cannon very much and vacation is the one time I get to take a lot of pictures.
3-2-1- the ages of the boys |
The very first morning we had some jammie time. Dave and I didn't get to Algoma until 1 in the morning, so it took us a while to get moving. We ended up making it to Sturgen Bay for lunch and then to the Farm to see the animals at the petting zoo. We started the vacation right with squeakarific cheese curds:
Then we went to Dune's State Park. Back when Dave and I were dating we went to that state park with his family on a three mile hike. They jokingly called it a death march. This time we just hung out on the beach enjoying the waves. I didn't bring swim suits because the waves were too big for my little boys, but that didn't stop Eli from getting really wet as we played on the beach.
Saturday I ran the Shanty Day's 5k race. I had a goal to beat my best time by 30 seconds, but with the new course being hilly that didn't happen. I had a personal best by 2 seconds and won second place in my age group! First time I ever won a medal (I earned a finishers medal, but never won).
I didn't have much time to shower and get ready before the parade started. Eli got a short nap, but I could tell he was tired by how clingy he was at the parade. I didn't mind having a boy to cuddle with. Adam had to cover his ears because he didn't like the fire trucks.
How can my baby be this big already? At least he still cuddles.
After the parade all three boys went down for a nap and us women had girls outing at the winery! As long as no one is pregnant this is going to have to be a tradition that is continued.