My house looks like a T-Rex went threw it. Well maybe 8 little T-Rexes. And last night I felt like we had 8 little dinosaurs roaring around my house. Adam invited 4 of his friends from school, 1 friends little brother for Eli to play with, our neighbor, a coworkers son and little 3 week old Declan (his Godparents son). It was his first "drop-off" party where we didn't have the parents stay (save for Declan's mommy).
I had a roaring good time pinning and crafting for the party and Dave had even more fun shopping at the dollar store and grocery store for the party. "Not only did I find little dinosaurs, dino balls, dino mac 'n' cheese, but I got dino-nuggets!"
We had several dino inspired activities for the boys. First we let them run around the house playing with dinosaurs we left everywhere or any other toys they wanted top. Then we took them outside to soak dino-pills in water to hatch a dino sponge. Then it was time for the dino meal of dino mac 'n' cheese, dino nuggets and herbivore veggie tray. I found it interesting that most of the boys either ate the mac 'n' cheese or dino nuggets but not both... picky four year olds. After supper we went outside to do a dino dig. Each boy took turns digging out a couple mini dinos.
And then they got to hatch frozen dino eggs (frozen water balloons that had a mini dinosaur in it). Dave joked prior to the party that we should let the boys use a chisel, but I said absolutely not. But before I could say no again Nathaniel had safety glasses on and the play hammer hitting away at the ice egg. I liked watching them take turns with safety glasses and a hammer and the automatic squirt gun.
After all the dinosaurs were all hatched from the ice eggs we went back inside to decorate and eat dinosaurs cookies. We did end up with bright blue dino tracks across our carpet, but nothing that can't be solved with a little elbow grease and carpet cleaner. My parents showed up and it was nice to have four more adult eyes watching the boys.
Then Adam opened presents with a little help from his friends. He got lots of awesome presents. Eli especially loved the lego truck and offered to put down his precious nuk in order to keep the truck longer.
During present opening Hayden showed up after his T-ball practice with a real bat and the triceratops pinata smashing began. As an extra bonus we got all of that parade candy out of our house! After three or four rounds of hitting most of the boys had wandered away to play with something else so Dave took one swing at it and the boys were all suddenly interested in the candy all over the ground.
As if the candy sugar high wasn't enough we finished the party with cake and a good round of "Happy Birthday". Unfortunately the candles wouldn't stay lit in the Hutchinson wind.
Then moms and dads came to get the kids, our house was a wreck- every dish dirty and we were exhausted!