Sunday, June 30, 2013

Great Grandma at the Zoo

My grandmother has Parkinson's disease. She can't really walk anymore, but deep down inside she is still my grandmother. She loves my boys and asks my mom every time she sees her where the boys are. So when my mom called and asked if we wanted to go to the Minnesota Zoo with my grandma, Dave and I said heck yeah.

 My dad packed lunch, my mom's cousin brought Grandma and I brought my kids. I think grandma may have spent more time watching my kids than the animals, but I might have spent more time watching my grandma watch my kids than watching the animals.
Great Grandma was worn out shortly after lunch, but we managed to still take in the Africa Exhibit and watch the Giraffe feeding time.

 Giraffe's weren't exciting enough to keep Eli awake for too long, though. We had a great day filled with great memories.

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