Sunday, June 1, 2014

End of Pregnancy

Hello end of pregnancy. I forgot how much fun you could be- sore legs, insomnia, exhaustion, contractions, itchy belly and a need to clean and organize everything all the time. I keep reminding myself that all of this is way easier than dealing with a newborn, but I'm not very convincing.
37 week 3 day bump:
Currently the pack and play is set up in our bedroom, the baby laundry is washed and put away, the crib is set up in Adam and Eli's room (we'll see about three boys sharing a room- we can always move baby to the guest room) and the guest room has the changing table, dresser with the baby clothes and a rocking chair.
I really think the home front is fairly prepared for baby- at work I'm in denial that I'm done for four months in a week. And when I get back to work I will be starting a new job. Dave was offered my bosses job and I decided it was time for me to move on so he could take the job. Really I was getting burnt out and thought I would start looking for a job in a year, so I'm just moving on a little sooner than I had planned. Maternity leave is a great time to change jobs! So if I can just wrap up a few baby things at home this weekend I can focus at work on wrapping things up for who ever replaces me. Poor Dave will have to hire my replacement (ha).

33 weeks & 3 days:
35 weeks & 3 days:

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