Friday, June 6, 2014

Eli's 3 Year Stats

When your mom is pregnant she doesn't forget to schedule your 3 year old check up with the pediatrician, but putting those stats on the blog sometimes comes over a moth late. He's still my little put- 28.8 pounds in the 18th percentile for weight and 35.5 inches in the 8th percentile for height (compared to Adam who was slightly bigger at 3 years and one month). He hammed it up the day of the appointment and wouldn't really answer any of the pediatrician's questions. But he passed his eye exam and Dave and I assured her that he could count way past 5 and many of the other tasks she asked of him. 

Eli- I bought you a balance bike and a little over a month later you are riding the big boy bike with training wheels almost as good as your brother. You love to be outside, but when we do keep you inside you are our little card shark winning most games of Uno or crazy eights without much help from us! You are not my cautious child and you are growing up much too fast. I know in a few short days you will make an amazing big brother. We love you!

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