Sunday, August 10, 2014

Isaac is Two Months

This post is a little bitter sweet and a day late. Yesterday was two months since Isaac's birth and tomorrow I go back to work for a few weeks. Daddy is going to take paternity leave and mommy is going to give work a try and then I will take my 12 weeks of bonding time. Isaac will be in great hands and I'm sure work will be just fine.
Smiles for daddy
Isaac started smiling this last month. He's pretty stingy with the smiles though. I was teasing Dave while changing Isaac and he smiled in response to my smiles so I thought maybe I could get him to smile for the two month photo, but no such luck. And looking back at Adam and Eli's two month pictures I was able to get them to smile. Isaac is my serious boy with the chubbiest checks. And the grunting noises he makes crack me up. He's also starting to coo more and more. You get horrible crying and tears when Isaac has a dirty diaper but when you change it he will give you smiles and coos. He's starting to enjoy playing with his gym and reaching for toys. Traveling with Isaac is getting easier- he's a go baby just like his brothers.

1 comment:

enTHRALLed said...

Miss him! I think daddy Dave should do a blog post while he is home!