Monday, June 27, 2011

Eli's Two, too

Eli's two months old.  And we're getting to the good part. He smiles and tries to coo when you play with him.  He just recently discovered his hands and will move blankets or toys around that are in his lap.  He also blow bubbles, when the nuk isn't inserted that is.  He loves his nuk way more than any baby I've met. 

He has the most wonderful disposition and his smiles are full face beautiful smiles.  Even his nuk can't hide his grin from the world when his eyes light up from a smile.  He knows when he's tired and just decides to fall asleep weather he's in the car seat, swing, bouncy chair, propped up on a boppy or in his crib (which rarely does he nap there).  I remember struggling a lot to get Adam to sleep at this age.  We're so lucky to be blessed with a second "easy" baby.

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