Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Duh Moment

Today I had my third OB appointment. It started out with the receptionist warning us that our doctor was running late. She was dialing our doctor's nurse before I could respond and asked exactly how late. The nurse said about 30 minutes. And what were they suggesting I do about it- find a really good and long magazine to read. 30 minutes is normal, not late, so of course we waited a full hour to see our doctor. Not a big deal it was nice to rest and get out of work early.

The only concern I brought to this appointment: my complete and utter exhaustion. She asked if it was due to taking care of Adam. I told her I didn't think it was because I wasn't this tired in the first trimester. I said I was most exhausted the days I get up to swim at 5 AM. Her question to me was what time do you go to bed- my answer 10:30 or 11:00. Duh, I'm pregnant, exhausted and only getting 6 hours of sleep three nights a week. She wrote "not getting enough sleep" in my chart. So now if I don't get to bed by 10 PM no swimming for this little mama.

Other fun facts- I've gained 20 pounds in a little under 20 weeks (next time I'm not looking at the scale) and I'm measuring about 21-22 cm and should be only 19-20! Baby's heart rate was 147-150. Also I started feeling the peanut really move around the Monday after Thanksgiving- so about 18 weeks this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
