Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter (and test of the baby emergency response system)

Happy Easter! Baby wasn't born today, but we did start the day with a trip to the hospital. I woke up at 4 AM again this morning to tooth pain, except this time I couldn't seem to fall back asleep. So I went upstairs and did some computer stuff, around 5 AM I decided I was too hungry to go back to bed so I ate some cereal and half a donut. I went back downstairs and crawled in bed and a little while later my alarm went off. We were planning on going to the 7:30 service because Easter dinner for my dad's whole family was at our house this year. So I got up and showered and was lotioning my belly when I noticed that the baby's butt was sticking out of my belly. I pushed on him and he didn't move, so I pushed again and he didn't move. I immediately started panicking. The last time I really remembered baby moving was the night before when I was singing Twinkle Twinkle with Adam (which is such a cute little memory). Dave told me to lay down in the bed and he got me a tall glass of orange juice. We both put our hands on my belly and waited for him to start moving. After a few minutes and nothing we decided to call the OB line at the hospital. They told me to come in right away.

So by then it was 7 AM. We woke up Adam and fed him an awful (that's what Adam calls a waffle) and called Andy and Brooke. They came right over and we headed to the hospital. I thought I felt a couple flutters, but not real strong movements before we got to the hospital, so I was still worried. Once the nurse hooked us up to the monitors for a non-stress test baby boy started moving and kicking all over the place. It was wonderful to see our baby moving and his heart rate go up, exactly what should have been happening. So Dave and I relaxed and just enjoyed the first hour that we got to spend alone focusing on our second son.

Congratulations, everyone passed our test of the baby emergency response system! Next time will hopefully be the real deal.

We did host the whole family over for Easter Dinner. I think my nesting kicked in and demanded that I decorate for Easter. This means several craft projects with the little man and one really cute one for the little man.

While we were making butterflies for the kitchen cabinets Adam kept yelling, "daddy, daddy, look at my pretty butterfly!" Dave was loving it and Adam really had fun coloring the butterfly and then helping mommy glue them. He thought he was old enough to also cut them out, but after a quick google search by dad we decided 4 was a more appropriate age to introduce the scissors.

The Easter eggs were the same idea. I kept cutting out the eggs and Adam kept coloring them. Then we strung them together to make a garland.

I made these finger puppet bunnies out of felt for Adam's Easter Basket. I haven't decided if I'm going to add the face and tail. I ran out of time to finish them before Easter, but I like them half finished.

These flowers used a lot of hot glue, so Adam wasn't around for mommy only craft project. I just wanted something pretty to put in my awesome new vase from Clay Coyote.

Yes I did buy this Easter Wreath pre made from Shopko, but when I put it on the door it fell and broke into five pieces. So I cut out a piece of foam board to put on the back of the wreath and lots of hot glue and ribbon to put it back together. Every time I see it hanging on my door it makes me smile!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Somebody was telling me about pre-y easer yeggs.