Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Walk Brockway

Getting ready for a walk is kind of a chore now that the weather has decided to not be spring. Actually we've boycotted walks for several days now. Today we ventured out despite the cold wind because the sun was shinning. (There was actual snow on the ground when we woke up this morning- actual snow on April 20th)

I bundled up the boy and leashed the dog and all three of us were ready before Dave had made it to the entry way. Adam picked up Brockway's leash and said "I walk Brockway," and I said ok as we walked out the door. I figured either she'd behave or his grip on the leash wouldn't be that strong if she bolted. Well she behaved wonderfully. Adam walked her up and down the driveway with a loose leash while Dave got out the stroller. She walked right next to the stroller not tugging at all while Adam continued to hold onto the leash all by himself from the stroller halfway down the street.

In Little Brother news I had a doctors appointment today. I'm 1 cm dilated, but that's about it. Dr. K tried to strip my membranes, but she didn't think she was very successful. He's still head down and he must have dropped because a.) my hips are sore and b.) I measured 34 cm (last week I believe I was 36 cm). Heart rate was 145 and he seems healthy and happy in there. I'm only working half days due to my extreme exhaustion from poor sleep at night. My afternoon naps are fabulous and my energy level is up a little.

1 comment:

enTHRALLed said...

We can try this with Croix... Adam is the perfect dog whisperer!