Tuesday, December 27, 2011

8 Months

We had a fantastic Christmas in Wisconsin.  We've been home for two days and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with all the new toys.  I asked Adam if we should give away some of his toys that he doesn't play with anymore, and he said "Yes, to James".  I'm pretty sure Ann doesn't have room for all of the extra toys I would like to find a home for.

My little bug, Eli, is 8 months old.    He's pulling himself up constantly.  He's still getting everywhere doing the army drag.  I know he's capable of crawling, but he just doesn't.  Tonight I stripped him and Adam down in their bedroom and then sent them loose to get to the bathroom without clothing.  Eli pulled himself to the bathroom and once there realized it was uncomfortable to drag himself on the bathroom floor naked he lifted himself up on his knees and then pulled himself to the tub, but he still didn't use his legs, only his arms.  It was so funny to watch a baby up on their knees not crawling, but yet managing to pull themselves forward.  Dave and I were laughing so hard.
I'm realizing as I look at these pictures that my little baby is disappearing and a toddler-little boy is starting to show through.  He laughs often, but still isn't sleeping through the night.  We'll have to see if this month brings crawling or walking, both of which seem to be just around the corner for Eli.

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