Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Recap

We left for Wisconsin on Thursday after work.  Which gave us plenty of time for playing with Aunt Annie, Cousin James, Uncle Titus and Grandma and Grandpa before Christmas.  Adam loved "Criss Cross Apple Sauce" and would laugh and laugh and then ask Aunt Annie to "do it again".

 Look I finally got a picture of Eli's teeth that have been poking through for a while now.  One morning I was sitting in a chair chatting with my in laws and Eli army crawled over and bit my toe.  When he's hungry he always lets me know!
It snowed on the eve of Christmas Eve.  It was just enough to take the boys for a walk in the sled that night and to play in the snow on Christmas Eve.  Daddy and Adam used up most of the snow to make one big snowball.  
We weren't successful getting Adam down for a nap on Christmas Eve, it's like he felt the excitment in the air and refused to sleep so he wouldn't miss anything.  We got to mass just before 4 PM and with the dim lights and pre-Christmas music (I say pre-Christmas because there isn't one song they sing before mass that I recognize as a traditional Christmas song, those are saved for after mass begins) Adam started to fade.  Dave grabbed him before he fell off of his chair and Adam napped through most of church.

Ham was our traditional Christmas Eve dinner.  Then we did the Christmas program and Eli got to put Baby Jesus in the manger.  He needed help to let go and when he did put him down the donkey was picked up.  My favorite part of the program this year was the last song we sing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" and we were all singing and I looked over to my big boy Adam sitting in a chair all by himself singing out loud making up the words as he went.  We put the boys in matching Christmas jammies and then had a Birthday cake for Jesus.  Right before bed Adam put cookies out for the big man in red.

On Christmas morning we woke up bright and early with alarms going off at at 6:30 AM.  Adam woke up and told us that he had heard Rudolf on the roof.  I put Eli down on Adam's "bed" (a couple foam mattresses on the floor) to change his diaper and he rolled over immediately to his stomach and went back to sleep with his head down on the bed and his legs hanging straight off the bed.  Santa was not enough to make Eli want to be awake that early.  Adam did some sweet talking to Eli and slowly Eli started to lift his head up.  Santa brought Adam that tricycle he's been asking for.  Santa also made the big boys Proud Packer owners:

But when all the presents were opened what did Adam and James play with- bubble wrap.  Why do we spend money on new toys?

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