Saturday, April 14, 2012

Picnic Lunch

I got a text from our friends this morning asking if we wanted to meet in the park for a picnic lunch.  I asked Adam if he thought that was a good idea and he said yes.  So we packed up a color with some hotdogs and hamburgers for grilling and biked to the park.  We found a shady spot to set up a blanket for the two younger boys.  Although Eli basically was hanging out everywhere except on the blanket.  And the two big boys maned the grill and Adam and Nathaniel played on the playground.

It's too early for the park bathrooms to be open.  So the Big Boys had to water a tree.

Our bikes.  Dave and I agree that we want to bike more this summer and the Wike is going to make that possible.  We may even try and use the bikes to do the daycare drop off and pick up and going to work.

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