Saturday, April 14, 2012


In March Adam started transitioning to the Preschool room.  The transition was a little rocky and one week he had to take a break from the transition and just hang out in the toddler room all week, but starting in April Adam moved up to the preschool room for care.  He told me earlier this week, "I live in the preschool room, I used to live in the toddler room."  I've noticed a couple of things since the transition:
1.  He uses please and thank you a lot more (although I have been trying to work on this at home too)
2.  There is a lot more tattling on little brother or Brockway.  "Mom, Eli pushed me.  Mom, Eli's playing with Brockway's toys."

In the fall he will start preschool classes (after he turns three).  I think Adam's been ready for the step up into the preschool room for a while now, although I will miss my boys being so close.  The toddler and infant room are connected.

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