Wednesday, May 2, 2012

12 Months

Well you're almost walking.  A lot of times you push yourself up to standing takes some steps and when you fall you finish getting where you wants by crawling.  I can't believe my little mover didn't start walking before his first birthday, but honestly I'm happy he crawled for so long.

You started eating school lunches this last month.  One day I got a call from daycare that you had asked for school lunch and they fed it to you and you loved, so the next day you started getting lunch from school instead of us sending purees.

The weekend before your first birthday you were teething and now you have your eye teeth.  Having more than just the two bottom teeth makes you look like such a big boy.

You absolutely hate the bottom gate.  Dave and I finally put it up and whenever you notice it's closed you throw a royal fit.  Most likely because you love climbing up the stairs.

It's time to cut your supper soft silky blond hair.  It breaks my heart to cut it, but I can't handle the doctor calling you Ellie one more time when I bring you in to urgent care.

Both sets of grandma's and grandpa's can't believe how much more vocal you were this weekend compared to the last time they saw you.  You really are trying to communicate through pointing, yelling and imitating what we say.

Happy 12 months Little Man!  You really were an awesome baby and hopefully the toddler months will be just as much fun!

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