Sunday, September 23, 2012

North Shore

I told Adam we were going on a vacation late last week and his response was, "We're going to Algona?"

I told him no we were going to the North Shore of Lake Superior.

He then asked, "with grandma and grandpa?"

When I explained that it would just be the four of us he got upset because he wanted his grandma and grandpa to come with.  Cute.

Back in February we took our children to the UP for a vacation and Adam got to go cross country skiing for the first time.  My heart over flowed and I was an extremely proud mamma sharing a passion with my child. I got to have that feeling again on our mini-vacation. We took the boys hiking through the woods at Cascade River State Park. We had planned to put them on our packs to hike, but decided to let them try hiking on their own first. Eli made it all the way to the falls and Adam hiked more than a mile by himself. It felt so wonderful to be in the woods with my boys and sharing a place- the North Shore and a passion- hiking with them.

 Eli sang a little song "Dee-dah, dee-dah" when he was hiking and Adam was pointing out the trippy things (tree roots) that were in the trail.

We had snack on a downed log and cuddled together on the top of lookout mountian while eating our lunch to survive the cold wind.

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