Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mommy Date Night With Little Men

When I watched the trailer for Wreck it Ralph I new I wanted it to be Adam's first movie we watched at the theater. So a few weeks ago when I saw it was at the State Theater our second run theater in town it was time for a date with Adam. Well it didn't work out exactly how I had originally imagined. Dad was at work so Eli tagged along and we went with my coworkers who frequent the cheap theater every Wednesday. 

Dad got them really excited for the date this morning. They put on their "theater clothes". Adam wore his button down shirt that he typically refuses to wear. And then he made sure Eli wore nice fancy clothes, too. Adam talked about his date all day at school- too cute.

I snapped some cute pictures of the boys as we walked to the theater. Adam pointed at every door and window as we walked asking is this the theater? My coworkers were already there when we walked in. Eli is so young I didn't have to buy him a ticket. I brought a huge bowl which the theater filled with popcorn for a really low price and I think we ate less than a quarter of it.

When the theater dimmed Adam and Eli sat in their own seats on either side of me and they were into it. The only time we got up was when Adam had to go potty. It was so cool that the previews, movie and popcorn kept their interest for 2 whole hours. I really liked the movie too- it had the right balance of kid/parent humor.

We finished up our date night by coming home and eating a "snack" (because Adam refuses to call dinner by it's real name and we were all full from popcorn). We had pb&j, apple slices and peas- I guess that could be a snack. Then we all put on our jammies and had a dance party.

Eli fell right to sleep, Adam needed to spend some extra time chatting tonight. So I curled up in his bed next to him and he told me about what he and daddy were going to play in the morning. "Maybe we'll play Wreck Ralph- I can be the Fix it Felix. Or we can play Ironman." The perfect ending to my date night with my sons.

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