Saturday, January 4, 2014

Adam's Secret

What happens when you tell a four year old a secret? He keeps the secret by announcing to everyone, “Eli’s going to be a big brother, there’s a surprise in my mommy’s tummy, but it’s a secret and I can’t tell you.” Yep way to keep that secret big boy! Below is our mini 9 week ultra sound of the little bean.

We told Adam the secret on November 12th, because we wanted him to be the one to tell our parents the news the following weekend. He was pretty excited! He accidentally let the cat out of the bag at ECFE class and daycare. I always want to wait longer to share the news, but I felt like I was starting to show at 10 weeks pregnant, so it was time to tell. After we told our family we started telling our coworkers and friends. As a last ditch effort to let people know we signed our Christmas card with “& Baby #3 due in June”.

Dave’s parents came the following weekend after we told Adam the news and we were all casually having a conversation about how good of a baby cousin Nathaniel is. My father in law said he might be the last little grandbaby he gets to hold and Adam just says, “There’s a baby in mommy’s tummy.” My in-laws looked at us to see if he was telling the truth and we both shook our heads yes and there was hugs all around.

My parents came out on Saturday to watch Adam play basketball and eat supper with us. When we got home from basketball and eating lunch I was a little surprised Adam hadn't told our secret yet, so I whispered to him to tell Grandma Rose and Grandpa Dave and they were pretty excited too. My brother and his wife are having their first child in May, so two brand new grand-babies are coming soon!

This pregnancy has been kicking my behind. Every time I think I’m done getting queasy I have another episode. Or I think I might be able to actually stay up after I put the boys down to bed and wake up on the couch a couple hours later. Yep, a sleep at nine is my usually MO. Christmas season came and left without me being able to eat cookies or treats. It was kind of fun to be on a no junk food diet because it all made me sick. Luckily or unluckily, since I came home from Christmas in Wisconsin my sweet tooth has returned.
My 14 week belly on Christmas Eve
Eli and Adam are stoked to have another sibling brother. They think we are having a boy, and haven’t wavered once when I ask them. I keep reminding them it could be a little girl, but who am I kidding, we are probably going to have three little boys in our family. I texted my brother that we are having all boys probably because I worked at Boy Scout Camp as a teen and he agreed that he had read that working at Boy Scout Camp increases the likelihood of birthing boys. We found out before Christmas that my brother is having a boy. So if my baby is a girl she better enjoy spending time with boys, because so far all the cousins are boys.

Our 20 week ultra sound is January 20th and I'm going to bring a card for the technician to write the sex in if they are positive they know what sex the baby is. We might have a gender reveal party, but I haven't decided yet.

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