Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Potty Trained Preschooler

We started getting serious about potty training this fall after Eli's cast came off. We did a weekend in November with no diapers at home with just as many accidents as successes (luckily they were pee and not #2), but put him back in diapers come Monday. At daycare there is another little girl who is the exact same age as Eli and that week daycare mentioned they were putting her in undies and it was going great. I asked if they wanted to give it a try with Eli and they were extremely supportive and enthusiastic. He did pretty great at daycare, but we had to use a timer and send him to the potty every 45 minutes to an hour or he would have an accident at home. He had accidents, but he wanted to be in undies and be a big boy, so we haven't gone back to diapers since November. So I'd like to announce that for the first time in 4 and a half years, I don't have a child in diapers! (Well to be honest Eli still wears a diaper at night, but most nights it's dry).

After New Years Eli transitioned to the preschooler room. It's kind of nice because now Eli and Adam are in the same room together. I've gone to pick them up and found them playing together several days which is so cute! Eli won't start preschool classes until next fall when he's 3, but I think he's enjoying the preschool room a lot!

That went faster than I remember with Adam- no diapers, preschool room? Where did my little Eli baby go?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it. What a great, quick overview of a busy year.