Thursday, June 19, 2014

Naming Isaac Henry

Choosing a third boys name was not an easy task for David and I. I felt like we had already used our two favorite boys names- Adam and Eli and had to dig deep to find a third one that was just as good. We've always found a girls name we liked  before 20 weeks of pregnancy- Abigail Rose for Adam, Eva Rose for Eli and Ingrid Rose for Isaac. My mom's name is Rosalyn and my middle name is Rose so we were set on a middle name and never waivered. We didn't really realize we were doing the vowel thing until we fell in love with the name Ingrid and noticed the A-E-I pattern. Last year when Ann was pregnant she told her mom that she had narrowed down to two names- Nathaniel and Isaac. Dave's mom immediately said you can't pick Isaac that will be Dave and Sarah's third son's name. I didn't like the name and kind of shrugged it off. When we found out we were in fact having a third son everyone suggested "I" names, but there aren't very many boy "I" names. We kept coming back to Isaac and it grew on me.

We brought a list of 6 names with to the hospital. We new the middle name was going to be Henry- my mom's late father's middle name and my younger brothers name. After the birth and my recovery we had narrowed the list to two: Ezra Henry or Isaac Henry. Since we had discussed names with the big brothers we waited for them to show up around lunch time to officially name little brother. We kicked all the grandparents out and had our first family of five meeting. Although Eli had already announced that his baby brother's name was Isaac Henry to grandma Denise and Grandpa Bob. So we brought up the name Ezra and Adam said it sounded like a girls name and Eli insisted his brothers name was Isaac, so we went with it.

I don't think we realized our family would be full of old testament names- Sarah, David, Adam, Eli and Isaac. As for having enough kids to complete the vowels- I like to joke with people who tell me I need to have two more kids- an "O" and "U" name- don't forget about "and sometimes Y"! I don't see two or three more kids in our future, three boys will be a lot to handle.

1 comment:

Dave said...

You should have just asked Eli. He knew his name.