Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Adam is Five!

How is he five? Seriously I thought Adam turning four rocked my world, but five is just way to old. He's such a special dude and growing up into such a wonderful caring young man. His interest in things and the conversations that he is able to have with us amaze me. 

Adam is such an amazing big brother. He sits in the middle of Eli and Isaac in the car and yesterday Isaac was crying on our way home, but stopped part way through our drive. Adam told us that he let Isaac suck on his finger so that he would fall asleep. We have asked him to put Isaac's nuk in his mouth during long car rides and he always does such a good job helping distribute food to his brother Eli, too.

For the day of Adam's fifth birthday we decorated the house and made breakfast a special event in our family tradition. Then Eli picked out a special present for Adam before we picked Adam up from daycare. I told Eli it was a surprise and we had to wait for dad to get home to open it. But the boys ran in the house a head of us and Adam was holding his present when we went inside. Hulk Smash gloves for his Avenger themed birthday party which will come sometime in July (June 26th with a new baby would have been too much, especially with grandma's funeral the day before).

Dave has taken Adam golfing to the driving range every birthday since he was three. This year we went as a whole family and invited his Godparents to come give him some private lessons.

After we finished golfing, right before the rain started we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. We shared a giant piece of chocolate cake and then per Adam's request went back to the Elk's Park to play on the playground. Successful Birth day and now to plan an Avenger themed big boy party.

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