Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fort Smelling For The Win

After traveling to Wisconsin and Hibbing went so well (50 million stops for screaming Isaac) we were firmly in the "staycation" camp for the 4th. It didn't mean I wanted to sit around our house and town because there is no celebrations to be had in our small town. So Dave and I looked for activities nearby and settled on Fort Snelling during the day and the Taste of Minnesota relocated to Waconia only 40 minutes from home for the evening and fireworks. I have wanted to take the boys to Fort Snelling in St. Paul for a while. I have fond memories of  grade school field trips and thought it would be right up the boys alley, especially with the many reenactments going on that day.

We started the morning with blueberry pancakes and red watermelon and then tried desperatly to pack up for the day in a timely fashion. Two hours later than planned we were on the road to Fort Smelling as Eli called it. We ate our picnic lunch in the Fort Snelling parking lot while I nursed Isaac and then we were ready for our adventure.
 There was a battle of 1812 reenactment with cannons that we watched twice and the boys ate it up both times! We also got to watch the soldiers parade around.
 They were incredibly shy when talking to the solider guy by the canon.

The boys got a "special treat" of bottled root beer and cream soda and watching them drink from their bottles was funny. They are getting so big.

Unfortunately I can't say that our experience at the Taste of Minnesota was as good. We found the event crowed, overpriced and the food nothing more special than typical fair food (maybe even worse). We stuck it out for the promised double set of fireworks, but unfortunately neither set was very visible over the trees and you know it's bad when my kids don't even want to stay for the end. But the bonus was we were close to home and didn't get stuck in too much traffic going home as most people were headed east and we went straight west!

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