Saturday, July 12, 2014

Isaac is One Month

It always feels like such a major accomplishment to make it through the first month with a newborn and Isaac we made it. You are one month old and you are loosing that newborn look more and more. I think you will be out of newborn sized diapers in a few days and maybe we won't have the carseat on it's tightest setting soon. 
I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of your smile. Everything seems so much easier when I know that I'm making my babies happy with some feedback. When you smile in your sleep sometime it is a half smile like your daddy and today I saw a beautiful full smile when we were in the park after feeding you.
I hate to admit it, but we've been calling you our fussiest baby.  You absolutely hate having a dirty diaper. Your loudest screams are due to a poopy diaper. For most of your first month it felt like we couldn't put you down because a few seconds later we would hear your shouts of disapproval (especially in the evenings). and sometimes even after picking you up it is hard to get you settled and you would continue fuss in our arms. I think you are finally starting to enjoy time in the swing, on the floor for tummy time or in the baby chair on your own looking around the room.  I've also started wearing you in the Moby wrap when nothing else will calm you down. I've also found that getting in the stroller or car to go sometimes is exactly what you need to settle down. You have literally stopped crying as I pull the van out of the garage. Your crying face is so cute though, you furrow that brow so well!
At Isaac's two week check up we confirmed that we have another peanut on our hands. His weight was 7 pounds 7 ounces 12th percentile, height was still 19.5" 5th percentile and head circumference 14 3/8" 65th percentile. We won't go back to see the pediatrician until Isaac is 2 months old so right now I have no idea what his weight and height are, but I would guess he is still small despite having a growth spurt.

When Isaac is focusing on something with his eyes open he gets completely still.

Isaac is a baby that has a giant man burp and spits up often. Eli was the same way so I was prepared and just use a blanket at all times to clean up the post feeding messes. The whole family knows the wet burp sound that is always followed with spit up and we all go running with a blanket to clean up the mess. The spit up doesn't really seem to bother Isaac though except at night when it sometimes comes out of his nose and then he sounds stuffed up and has a hard time breathing out of his little nostrils. A week ago I was convinced Isaac had infant reflux since he would cry every time we put him down and I spent most days holding him. Well I've changed my mind and a good solid swaddle for naps and getting him on a semi-schedule is helping his mood (plus being a few weeks older).

Happy 1 month Isaac, we are all so happy to have you in our family! 

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