Thursday, October 9, 2014

Isaac is 4 Months

Isaac is four months old. And I had to move our monthly photo to a new chair in a new room (the rocker in our room). Isaac's crib replaced the glider in his room that I was using for the monthly photo shoot. It turned out pretty good I think, other than only getting a couple smiles from Isaac. Mostly he was too busy talking to me to smile, I wonder who he gets that from. 

We started cloth diapering this last month using my modern cloth diapers and it's going really well. No more explosions and I really like not having to go to Target to buy diapers (don't get me wrong I like Target, just not buying diapers). And not having to deal with poopy clothes is great! 

Isaac found his feet this last month and really started playing with toys. Everything needs to be able to go in his mouth though. We're pretty sure the teething has started, but I know it will most likely be a long time before a tooth actually breaks through.

We also started ECFE on Mondays and I think Isaac really likes the special time that mommy spends interacting and singing with him. Isaac tends to really enjoy his time out of the house shopping, going for a walk or just a drive- his favorite is picking up big brothers from daycare. Adam gets the best smiles on the ride home no matter how crabby Isaac was that day.


Bethany said...

I saw that first picture and was going to say "I didn't know you cloth diapered!" haha

Schwedskala said...

I've cloth diapered all three, but I did wait a while to get started with Isaac due to going back to work for a month, plus you know three kids!