Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Isaac's 4 Month Check Up

Yesterday I took Isaac to his four month check up. I guessed he would be 15 pounds 13 ounces and Eli guessed 3 pounds. He actually weighed 14 pounds 8.8 ounces which is the 27th percentile. His height on the other hand was 23.27" which is in the first percentile for height. Our pediatrician said the nurse who measured him doesn't normally do peds, so she figures either he's finding his own growth curve or the length measurement was off slightly. So he's short like the rest of my boys, well except that they both measured 24.5" at their 4 month check up (Eli's 4 month check up stats and Adam's). It would have been nice to have one tall baby, but I guess we just make compact babies. His head was 16.73" which is the 73rd percentile. And the last percentiage they give out is weight for recumbent length data and Isaac was in the 95th percentile. He's a chubby dude!

We ended the appointment with shots and he was pretty off the rest of the day. I'm hoping today will be better because just about everything caused Isaac to full out cry!

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