Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Day In The Life Of Me

Today on instagram was #onedayhh where you are supposed to document the small details of your life. Except today was not so ordinary for me. I got to chaperon Adam's first field trip to Nelson's Farm and I just didn't feel comfortable overgraming, so instead I will blog.

After David took the big two to daycare I had a little time at home with just Isaac, but not a lot of time, so I stuffed cloth diapers while breastfeeding Isaac. Afterwards a mini freak out that I couldn't possibly drop Isaac off for daycare for the first time and Brockway for grooming, but I just barely caught Adam's classroom before they left for the bus.

 The first thing Adam's class did at the farm was hold chicks and then gather and sort eggs. I personally loved the egg sorter machine and the blueish-green eggs.
 The inside of the silo was beautiful!
 I found a few minutes to sneak off for a pump session after learning all about cow milking. Perfect timing much?
 Picnic lunch outside at the farm.
Adam managed to find the largest pumpkin from the small pumpkin field for carving. I'm slightly sad that the stem broke off before we even got back on the wagon for they hay ride out of the field.

I flew from the elementary school to daycare to get my youngest two. Isaac did great at daycare and was so excited when middle brother let him hold the hockey stick.
I had a meal "planned", but frozen pizza matched me exhaustion level much better. Also: note witching hour and baby wearing- pretty much nailed it!
Declan joined us for an hour tonight. He's 16 months, refusing the high chair and using the fork like a pro. Where did baby Declan go?


enTHRALLed said...

Where did baby Declan go?? ;( tear!! Thanks again (but sorry too!) For taking him again on your busy day! But you know what they say, once you have three, what is one more?? Jkjkjkjk!!

Dave said...

It is really wonderful to see them taking control of their lives little step by little step. You are both great moms doing an excellent job. I like Adam's new jacket. Where did he get it. ;^)