Monday, November 10, 2014

not today

Adam suddenly remembered that he brought a little bag of candy home from his harvest party at school on Halloween. I told him he could have some of the candy if he shared with his brother Eli. He went to his with Eli following close behind to find his empty bag of candy on his dresser. He came out of his room yelling, "MOM, Eli ate all of my candy".

To witch Eli with wide spread arms responded, "not today, not today". As if a crime is only punishable immediately after it takes place. Oh, this child is wise beyond his years.

I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes and when I called Dave to share the story with him he couldn't understand my words between the laughing.

1 comment:

Dave said...

His attorney informed him that the statute of limitations had passed. He walked on this one.