Monday, November 10, 2014

Isaac is 5 Months

Isaac is five months old. I actually forgot on Sunday to take his picture, but due to a snow day Adam was able to help me today. I had to move rooms and chairs again (this time the original rocker in the living room) due to lighting issues.

 Isaac has changed a lot in the last month. He's rolling onto his tummy, eating solids, working on sitting and spent a day at daycare. He's rolling and sleeping on his tummy so I had to stop swaddling him. Also he managed to roll himself over in the rock and play, so either I start strapping him in or it's time to give that up, too. He also hardly never stays on the large blanket I put him on in the living room he rolls and pulls himself to different toys and ultimately I find him off the blanket squawking in disagreement.

As for solids I really would like to do baby led weaning this time around with Isaac, but he wants to eat so bad that I've fed him some applesauce and other foods mashed up from my plate.
 Isaac reaches for everything now. I have to be careful when he sits with me at the table, because he's extra interested in food.
 And he usually gets what he reaches for.

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