Monday, October 26, 2009

4 Months

I woke up to the sun, wohoo sunlight! I can't remember the last nice day we had. So I'm in a good mood despite the fact that I know on Friday I'm going back to work. We have had a very busy Monday today too. I took Adam to ECFE class at 1 instead of 4:30, because his 4 month check up is at 4 today (I'll post the stats later, but I'm going to guess he weighs 15lbs 2oz). Then when we got home I decide the day was too nice to stay indoors so I grabbed Brockway and we went for a walk. As soon as I left the house I noticed the clouds had rolled in and the sun was gone. Oh well it was still a nice fall day for a walk.
We set up Adam's jumper last Wednesday. He seems to like it. He hasn't figured out how to make it bounce, that the little seat rotates or how to sit up straight in it. He kind of leans forward in the seat to hold himself up. He still loves his activity mats with the toys overhead, but he's pretty much not interested in sitting in the swing, so I think it's time to pack it up.

I took his four month picture over lunch with Dave's help, but I'm not sure I like the angle:

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