Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Adventure Day

Today was adventure day.  Eli napped for two hours in his stroller while Adam and I went to the Campfire Nature Preserve to see the animals and then to the playground to play and have snack.  On the way home we took the long walk around the Nature Preserve.  Eli slept the whole time and even let us stop at a garage sale where we bought a Lego table and a huge box of Legos for $5 + a $1 to the boy who carried it home for me.

When Dave got home I packed up ham sandwiches and we headed south to a county park for a picnic and swimming.  Epic fail.  The mosquitos were so bad we ate in the car and the water was murky and green due to farm run off.  Adam really wanted to swim though, so to turn our adventure positive we went to the Hutch outdoor pool for some swimming and then to Culver's for a banana split.  My favorite moment of the night was I told Dave he could eat the last bite of banana and ice cream and as he put it on his spoon Adam reached in and stole the banana.  Hey the kid knows what he wants.

So no more searching for a good swimming lake for us.  Next time we eat our picnic in our back yard and head to the pool for some swimming!

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