Friday, August 26, 2011

Vacation Highlight- Shark Fishing

It's been an inside joke between Dave and I that I want to go shark fishing.  Last year when I caught my first northern I was actually doing a "here, sharky, sharky" cheer.  We figure besides muskie or northern fishing charter fishing for salmon and trout on Lake Michigan was as close as we were going to get to shark fishing in fresh water.  So Tuesday morning we woke up at 3 AM with Titus and Grandpa Bob to go fishing.  I caught the first fish before sunrise and from there we took turns reeling in the fish.  We caught 11 all together and our freezers will be full of fresh salmon and trout for months to come.

Titus is not a fan of water and can't swim, so getting him on the boat was an extra treat, even if it meant he had to wear a big orange PFD. 
And look a rare picture of me and the hubs.  We were probably the most well adjusted after only getting 4 hours of sleep... I wonder why {side eyes Eli}.


Dave said...

Bring some with and I will fire up the smoker!

Schwedskala said...

The fish is still in Wisconsin in Grandpa Bob's deep freezer. He'll bring it next time he comes if he wants to see his grandsons :)