Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to Reality- Vacation Highlights

I've been away from home for 10 days.  We left for Algoma two Thursdays ago to see all of Dave's extended family and do the Shanty Day's thing.  Then Dave came home to go back to work for three days, but I decided to stay with his parents in Wisconsin instead.  Then last weekend we were at a family friends wedding in Madison.  I purposely stayed away from the computer and blogging, because I was on vacation, but now I'm back and want to share some of the highlights of our trip.

Friday night at 5 PM sharp all 40+ family members got together in front of the nursing home for a family photo with Great-grandma Marge (we were minus one- Titus was in a wedding and missed the picture).  Looking at the picture I can hear the noise that this family brings when they are all together.
Saturday morning I did my first post Eli 5K race and finished with a respectable 27:03 time.  I ran the first mile in 8 minutes- second in 10 and the third in about 9, so not too shabby.  Unfortunately cousin Matt beat me by 6 seconds- it was like losing to my brother Matt.  It was extra special that it was the first real race Adam watched me run.  Because I ran the race I let myself have a peanut butter chocolate malt while we watched the parade go by in front of Penguin City Pizza later that day.

The fireworks.  I've been to many Shanty Days since I started dating Dave, but this year was the first time I ever got to see the Sunday night Fireworks display.  We pushed Adam's nap out to late afternoon on Sunday to try and keep him up past 9 PM.  He woke up 5 minutes after 5 and was a total gremlin.  We joke about him turning into a gremlin if he naps after 5, but it's really the truth of what he's like.  Screaming and whining didn't stop until I dragged him all the way to the beachfront and had him stick his feet in the crashing waves.  He did great at the fireworks though.  Initially he got scared, but aunt Linda took him and convinced him they were pretty.  Eli just laid in between Linda and I and watched.  He only fussed once because he couldn't see the lower fireworks and was happy once I picked him up so he could see.

We said goodbye to the extended family after the fireworks, but we stuck around Algoma until Tuesday.

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