Saturday, July 21, 2012


My Grandparents own a cabin in the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota.  It's a rustic little cabin with no running water, an out house and only a sauna to get cleaned up in. I still remember when my grandpa put in electricity. I spent a lot of time there in the summers of my youth.  So I was really excited to bring the boys back there for swimming, fishing and spending time in the woods last weekend.

The heat snuck up on us fast and we ended up in our swimming suits in the lake early in the morning. Both boys had lots of fun swimming. After lunch we went into Hibbing to visit my grandparents. Everyone napped in the car during the short 45 minute drive to Hibbing.

The boys also enjoyed my uncles bird- Blue.
My uncle was trying to get Adam to put his finger out for Blue.  This picture was taken seconds before Eli decided he was sick of waiting and reached with both hands to grab Blue. Blue flew away before Eli could grab him and didn't venture far from his cage the rest of the weekend.

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