Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Smiles for Eli

I swear it was just the other day that I captured a similar picture of Adam holding baby Eli in the same spot in my living room, but I guess it was nearly three years ago and in small child/baby years that is nearly an eternity.
 On Saturday morning Isaac gave us his first smile. Adam, Eli and I were sitting on the couch and Dave was on the love seat across the room. I kept yelling at him to come over, but he claimed he could see the smiles just fine mirrored in our three faces every time Isaac light up with a precious smile.

As predicted by my mother, Isaac's first smile was given to his brothers. And it was while they were laughing about farts, boy humor! He has been pretty difficult to get smiles from but yesterday morning was our first "all brothers stay home day" and from my angle behind the lens it looked like Isaac was smiling at Eli!

There are people who only like the brand new tiny babies and I would have guessed that was me before I had babies. When I was three years old I wanted to switch my adorable six month baby brother and take my brand new baby cousin Travis home. My grandma LaCasse was one of those people I think around newborn to six weeks is her favorite baby stage. I on the other hand almost gleefuly wish away the brand new, crying all the time newborn stage. Give me the smiles which lead to cooing and interacting and all that wonderfulness! So come on Isaac lets smile more for mommy!

1 comment:

Dave said...

It is wonderful to see the satisfaction they are getting with their little brother.