Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kindergarten Success

He got on the big yellow bus and didn't even look back. And I was such a wreck. I needed a hug from my friend Denise and our daycare manager Kathy.

Adam's Godmother, Brooke stopped by and left a note for Adam written in chalk on the driveway. We woke him up and immediately told him there was a surprise outside for him and he asked, "Is it the bus?"

But he did come back to me and seeing that little face staring out the bus window in the front seat was adorable. I wanted to run on the bus and scoop him up. 

He wasn't exactly the same boy who came back to me. He was tired, crabby and starving and melted down several times that night. Since then he's been adjusting  to the schedule well. 

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