Tuesday, September 2, 2014

On the eve of Kindergarten

I was surprised by my level of anxiety today. I could feel the stress of getting my five year old to his kindergarten orientation all day. I was nervous for him and what a major life event he is going through right now.
After barely making it in time to his classroom with his baby brother we unloaded his school supplies and started a little project before the teacher started explaining all the papers in the take home folder to us. I'll be honest I absorbed 10% of what she said tops and I tried to keep from crying over and over again as the waves of emotion kept hitting me. He on the other hand didn't care when mom and dad left to hand in paperwork in the cafeteria and he got to sing songs and meet the quarter of his class that attended the 4-5:30 pm orientation session. When he met up with me at 5:30 he was all smiles and had a "kindergarten rocks" marble that he can't share with his baby brother.

We let him pick out the restaurant and of course it was Culver's and the obligatory custard afterwards. We went for a family walk when we got home which all summer has meant the big boys bike and mom, dad and Brockway walk. As we turned the corner to head west Adam noticed the beautiful sunset- "look guys, it's so pretty". What a great way to end my final day of having all three boys on a "stay home day" with mom.
Tomorrow he gets on the big yellow bus and hopefully tomorrow I will keep it together. I don't want to let him grow up, but I know I have too.

1 comment:

Dave said...

He is ready and he will be fine. Tell him how pleased we are and give him a big hug for us. We are proud of you and Dave, too. You guys are doing a great job with the boys.