Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Preschool- The Eli Edition

Okay enough with the big transitions. Can everyone stop getting bigger for just a little while? That would be great!

Can you tell someone was pretty stoked to have the attention on him today for pictures? This kid, I just can't even! He stays home with me two days a week and it is just wonderful. He's such a helper! Every Friday he wakes up early and does the trash with daddy and when I cook he pulls out his play cooking gear. He's going to be my little chef.


enTHRALLed said...

I just can't even!!! My favorite Eli describing line and yes, so many big transistions! Ahhh!!

Dave said...

He beamed when he talked to me about going to 3 year old pre-school. Adam was just the smiling, knowing older brother.