Well no baby yet. 10 days to our due date! Our parents and Dave's sister now answer the phone when we call- "are you in labor?" And my product manager tells me everyday that he's so happy I'm still at work. Secretly I am happy that I'm still working and haven't had the baby. Don't get me wrong, we are prepared for this little one's arrival, I just don't think I'm to that uncomfortable get this baby out now feeling. I also would like to make it to the Thrall wedding on the 20th. So either this baby needs to be out now, or wait until after next weekend. It's supposed to get up to 80 next week, so we'll see how I feel after the heat comes through.
Yesterday I decided it was finally time to try swimming laps at the outdoor pool (usually I swim Wednesday's and Friday's, but it was too cold and rainy earlier in the week). The outdoor pool is

a 25 meter pool and the indoor pool is a 25 yard pool. I never realized what a difference three feet could make. I'm still sore today! But it still feels good to get in the water and work out!
I now know what a braxton hick contraction feels like. I realized I was having them about a week and a half ago. Randomly my uterus gets all tight feeling like the baby is moving around, except the baby isn't moving around. They happen more often when I walk or am cleaning around the house. They don't hurt, but the tightening feeling distracts me. I think I made my friend Nicole nervous on our walk on Wednesday with the dogs. I had two contractions and with both of them I stopped walking until it was over.
We installed our car seat bases this week and had a county worker come inspect them. Neither one of us passed without some re-adjustments. Dave has the latch system in his car which makes instillation a breeze except he put his car seat in backwards. In my car I didn't know I could twist the seat belt to get the base tighter, so after we did that my car seat was also good to go. After realizing how much room the car seat will take up in my tiny little car (seriously the thing barely fits) we're starting to think about stimulating the economy with a car purchase when I'm done with maternity leave. There are pretty cross over hybrids that I like, I'm not sure I can drive a mini-van!
Well earlier this week I finally did some online research and decided what DSLR I wanted to purchase.

Back in May Dave had asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day and I asked if it could be a really nice new expensive camera. He said yes. I'm just not happy with the quality of pictures with my point and shoot, so the baby is the perfect reason to upgrade! I picked out a Canon Rebel XS and we ordered it online on Tuesday and got it yesterday. Dave took these pictures of me and Brockway and they are so good! I could tell he was having fun, because normally he takes one picture and stops, but he kept taking pictures from different angles. The last picture is my favorite one!
Today we're off to the cities to do some last minute baby shopping and then go to my cousin Katrina's Grad Open house. I'm up early and I hope that I get some work done around the house before we leave, but I usually am lazy on Saturday mornings.