On Monday we had our 39 week check up. I am 3 cm dialated, 25-50% effaced and at station -1/0. So things are moving along, but really who knows? I also measured 32 cm, which is smaller
so baby probably dropped more this last week and the heart rate was 137-140. Right as Dr. K was leaving the office she said you don't have any big plans for the weekend, and I said we were planning on going to a wedding in the cities. She just shook her head no and said we should stick around Hutch. So we'll see if we see her next Monday for our 40 week appointment. We'll start talking about induction at next weeks appointment. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Today I had habanero sauce at lunch. I've heard that spicy food can make you go into labor. Maybe it will work?
Pictures are from 39 weeks, yesterday! I look tired, because it was a long exhausting day- but at least it ended with pie in the park and then a foot massage when we got home! My husband is awesome.

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