Adam was born on Friday June 26th at 4:54 PM. We have a beautiful son! He was 7 pounds 8.8 oz and 20.5 inches long. Who knows where all of his dark hair came from? I'm so excited and happy to be a mother.
He had a rough start to life, but he is doing great now. The cord was wrapped around his neck, so when I started to push he went into distress. Thankfully with the first push he was crowning and we were able to get him out extremely fast. I was able to labor and deliver without pain meds, which is what I wanted. Below is our first family photo of the three of us (Adam had to stay in the nursery for a while after birth and be under an oxygen hood):
The hospital stay was a blur and went by super fast. We learned a lot and Adam is eating like a champ! Brockway handled us bringing home Adam really well. I can tell he's brought out her motherly instincts.

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