Friday, January 27, 2012

9 Months

When you try to take a 9 month picture without Dad's help this is what you get.  A baby that is happy and smiley and sitting perfect then you pull your hand away from his body and put the camera up to your face and capture this.  A baby completely turned around or nearly crawling off the chair.  Such a cutie, but so completely unable to sit still.  And he thought he was so funny.

Eli is nine months old.  Stop.  How did my little baby get so old?  He’s cruising and sometimes crawling, but mainly army crawling when he really wants to get somewhere.  He still only has two little teeth on the bottom.  

He loves his big brother more than anything.  A couple of times Dave and I both swear we heard Eli say “Adam.”  You ask him to say Adam – “Eli, can you say Adam?”  And he just smiles and laughs.  Eli spends the second half of the night in our room in the pack and play, because he’s still getting up twice to eat.  So this morning I brought Eli up to the boy’s room to help wake Adam up.  We started singing Rise and Shine to Adam and he partially woke up, so then I put Eli in Adams bed and Eli crawled on Adam and started to give him kisses and Adam put his arm around Eli.  It was so precious.

Eli wants what Eli wants and most of the time that is no diaper change and not to be on his back.  We try to distract him with new toys, socks, singing songs, making faces and all Eli wants is to roll over and to not lie on his back.  I think Eli could be the spoke model for Kimberly Clark’s Slip On Diapers.  I don’t know if they make them in a size 2?  Speaking of size 2 diapers, dispite Eli’s small size we have to put him in size 3 diapers at night otherwise he leaks through a 2.  To me that means he’s eating too much at night, but apparently Eli doesn't care.

Eli's eating everything and I mean everything.  The other morning he had red drool down his chin when crawling around on the floor.  Dave started freaking out about what he could have possibly eaten.  I realized pretty fast it was a piece of dog food.  He was still working on chewing on it and breaking it down when I fished several chunks out and he was not happy I was taking his food away.  So we put him in his high chair and feed him eggs and cheerios- a much better breakfast for the baby.  We mostly send the typical pureed baby food to daycare, but at home most of the time Eli eats what we eat just cut up really small.  Like tonight he had chicken and sweet potatoe fries.  

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