Monday, January 16, 2012

Eli's First Sickness

Last week was Eli's first fever.  Well I'm pretty sure it was Eli's first fever- you're never as confident about your memory when it comes to the second child.  Like I said he woke up on Tuesday morning hot with a fever and I just new this wasn't some one or two day thing.  Thank goodness Dave's parents are retired and were able to come watch our children this week.  Poor little Eli wasn't getting better, so on Thursday morning we got in with the pediatrician (yes- the pediatrician.  In our town of 13,000 we only have one because two are on maternity leave).  She took a look in his ears and the right one was infected and so was his eye.  So he's on antibiotics, but yet his fever persisted until 10 AM on Friday.

We had a wonderful day and half where everyone in our family seemed healthy and we went out to dinner on Saturday night and church on Sunday.  Then Adam woke up crying from his nap with a fever and I ended up with a fever later on that night.  I've been avoiding working out since I've had a lot of congestion all last week, but yesterday I couldn't stand it anymore so I did Insanity and took Brockway for a long walk.  Whoops didn't realize I was getting sick.

But Adam is doing wonderful in his undies having fewer and fewer accidents.  He even told Dave yesterday during the football game, "I have to go potty".

And Eli's fever gave us four straight days of sleeping through the night.  It was so wonderful!  Really it was the best sleep I've had since Eli was born.  Since his fever broke he's been waking up several times a night.  I'm going to have to get him back on the routine that worked- solids and a feeding right before bed and then waking him up to feed him at 10:30 before I go to bed.

We went to the clinic twice last week and I really don't want to go back today, but I want to make sure Adam and I don't have strep throat or something easy to treat.  Isn't it time for us all to be healthy?

1 comment:

Dave said...

We like the Grinch and the hockey stick in the background...