Sunday, January 8, 2012

Walker & Weekend Update

Eli had a couple big events this weekend- he started walking while pushing the walker and we're pretty sure he said Adam.  We keep asking him to say Adam and most of the time he just laughs like hey that's my buddy, but today he kind of repeated Ah-Dah.  He's been saying ma-ma-ma for a while now and da-da-da along with his usual kkah noises that are almost constant.    

Friday night we had our friends over for dinner.  They have a son Nathaniel who is six months older than Adam and another son Joshua who is 4 months younger than Eli.  I had beef stew cooking in the crock pot all day long, but when I went to check on it I realized it was lukewarm and none of the veggies or beef was cooked.  I quick called in a Pappa Murphy's order and sent Dave and Adam to get our food.  I've never had our crock pot blow a surge protector but of course the first time is when company was coming over.  We were supposed to go to Frozen Friday an event for families with young children to get out of the house and be active, but the little boys were having fun playing together here, the big boys were enjoying beers and the babies didn't care so we stayed at our house instead.

I'm pretty sure Eli has a harmless rash on his cheek from fifth disease that showed up Thursday night.  I probably should have dragged him to urgent care to get it checked out on Saturday morning, but with no fever or other symptoms besides a runny noise I decided I'd rather not spend a whole morning at urgent care to find out what my google search left me 99% sure I already knew.  Plus it's a virus and daycare didn't say anything on Friday.  

Saturday I made yummy lassi's for breakfast and then we ran errands in the morning and I went for a run while Adam napped.  We plugged the crock pot into a different outlet and ate beef stew for dinner.  I developed a cold (probably the same one the boys both have) on Saturday night and tried to get to bed early, but I'm an official night owl since Eli's birth.

On Sunday we went to church and Adam tried to correct father during his sermon about gifts by loudly telling him "we give gifts because it's Jesus birthday."  He was paying attention which is wonderful, but I could go without him trying to talk to Father while he's on the pulpit.  We went for a family walk after lunch down by the river.  We're trying to make the best of this pathetic winter by getting out and at least enjoying the warmth, but really 40 degrees in January?!?  

Oh and the most exciting Adam news.  Adam decided he wanted to wear undies like Nathaniel on Friday, so we're in full on potty training mode now… Again.  I feel like things are going smoother this time around.  He's noticing when he has accidents and he seems less resistant to sitting on the potty when we tell him it time.  It's amazing what five months can do to his readiness.

And it's Packer Playoff time so guess what Dave started to grow:

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