Sunday, November 27, 2011

7 Months

 Eli is seven months old.  And taking his monthly picture is starting to get harder.  He was so tired when I took this picture that I couldn't get him to sit up strait or put his arms down.  So this is what I got.  This last month he got his first two little teeth, he started army crawling fast and he learned to sit up on his own.  He goes where he wants and there isn't much we can do to stop him.  He adores his brother and I'm pretty sure his first word will be Adam.  When he see's Adam he squeals and Adam's toys are way better than anything he has in front of him.

He's still our happy easy Eli.  My biggest complaint is that he still doesn't sleep through the night and wakes up once or twice to eat.  I keep waiting for that to change, but I only get a random day here or there where he sleeps all night long.  Twice this week he went to bed screaming and wouldn't stop yelling after two minutes like normal.  When we went to get him he made it pretty obvious that what he wanted was food and by food I mean solids.  Sooner or later sleeping all night will happen and then I will be one happy mamma.

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