Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cookie Monster Time

I've been wanting to make chocolate cookies since Eli was born. Like butter out on the counter ready for me to start mixing together the ingredients wanting to make cookies. But for some reason it took me until yesterday to finally whip a batch together. Than last night Adam and I baked them together. He was so ready to eat a cookie and I had to convince him to wait until they cooled off. When I told them they were cool and ready to eat he got really excited. It was "cookie monster time" he kept saying over and over again. He sure looked like a cookie monster after eating his cookie. Then Dave went and got a cookie, which Adam saw. I was like great now Adam's going to ask for another cookie, but to my surprise when he opened his mouth he said, "Daddy, cookie monster." And we both responded yes.

Tonight I offered Adam a cookie for dessert, but there would be no talking about cookie monster time despite my best efforts to bring it up again. Where do kids get these thoughts from and why can't we get them to say the same thing night after night when it's so darn cute?

1 comment:

Dave said...

Macroeconomics - the law of diminishing returns.